How to choose the best immigration consultant: A detailed guide

4 min readMar 25, 2023


If you’re looking to immigrate to Abroad, you’ll need the help of an experienced immigration consultant. But which one is the best for you? In this post, we’ll discuss the different types of immigration consultants and how to choose the right one for your needs.

We’ll also outline the different services that they offer and how they can help you achieve your immigration goals. So whether you’re interested in getting a visa or applying for permanent residency, read on to learn more about the different types of immigration consultants and how to choose the right one for you.

Types of Immigration Consultants

There are a few different types of immigration consultants, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses.

1. Visa Consultants

A visa consultant is someone who specializes in helping people apply for visas. They can help you understand the visa application process and provide you with tips on how to prepare your application. They may also be able to provide you with advice on other immigration options, such as asylum or citizenship.

2. Immigration Lawyers

An immigration lawyer is someone who specializes in representing people in immigration court. They can help you file a petition for citizenship, apply for a visa, or appeal a deportation decision. They also may be able to provide you with legal advice on other immigration issues, such as family sponsorship or work visas.

3. Immigration Consultants: General

A general immigration consultant is someone who is not specifically trained in any one area of immigration law. They may be able to provide you with a variety of services, including help with visa applications, legal advice, or representation in immigration court.

How to Choose the Right Immigration Consultant for You

When choosing an immigration consultant, it’s important to consider your particular needs. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Level of expertise.

The level of expertise of the consultant will determine how well they can help you with your specific immigration goals. If you’re seeking help with visa applications, for example, a consultant who specializes in that area would be better suited to help you than one who is a generalist.

2. Cost.

The cost of the consultant’s services will also be a determining factor. If you’re budget limited, it may be best to choose a consultant who specializes in less expensive services, such as legal advice or representation in immigration court.

3. Availability.

Some consultants are available 24/7, while others are only available during specific hours. Make sure to choose a consultant who is available when you need them and can provide you with the assistance you need. 4. Feedback.

Some consultants offer periodic feedback, in which they provide you with a review of your progress and any changes they’ve seen in your case. This can help gauge your level of success and help you stay on track.

5. Recommended Reading.

Some consultants may have recommended reading that you should consider before making your decision. This can give you additional information about the consultant’s qualifications and experience, as well as help you make an informed decision.

6. Networking.

Some consultants offer networking events and other opportunities to meet other immigrants in similar situations. This can be a valuable resource in finding support and resources for your case.

7. Online Reviews.

One way to find out if a specific consultant is reputable and experienced is to read online Round world Immigration reviews. Many people post comments about their experiences with various consultants, so you can get a sense of what to expect before contacting them.

8. Consultant’s Fees.

Before choosing a consultant, it’s important to understand their fees. Some consultants offer reduced rates for clients who qualify for certain programs or have other financial resources available. Round World Immigration Success Rate is more than 85%. Make sure to inquire about any discounts or special offers that may be available before making your decision.

9. Consultant’s Location and Availability.

Another important factor to consider is the consultant’s location and availability. Make sure to choose a consultant who can provide you with services in your language and on a schedule that works best for you.

Mistakes to avoid while searching for immigration consultants

When searching for an immigration consultant, it’s important to be aware of some common mistakes immigrants make in their search.

1. Not Considering Price VS Qualification.

Round World Immigration Delhi may offer lower fees than others, but may not be qualified or experienced enough to provide the best service possible. Make sure to consider both price and qualification when selecting a consultant.

2. Choosing a Consultant Based on Friend Recommendations.

It can be helpful to ask friends for recommendations when searching for a new consultant, but be sure to research each individual before making a decision. It’s also important to remember that not all friends will have the same knowledge about immigration laws and procedures.

3. Not Considering the Time Commitment.

Another mistake immigrants make is not considering the time commitment required to work with a particular consultant. Some consultants may only offer short-term services, while others may require a longer commitment. It’s important to determine the timeframe and length of service required before making a commitment.

